Bible prophecy...fact or fiction?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Has anyone ever actually looked into this?

I'm not what's commonly referred to as a " fundie " fact as someone who believes in the message of Christ I think it's necessary to avoid fundamentalism at all costs because if I don't it amounts to a mindset that says I'm more interested in being right than in doing the right thing, and the right thing has to be talking, especially listening, especially listening to views that differ from my own. I have friends who are both believers and non believers. It works because we're able to disagree without becoming disagreeable. Through mutual respect where judgment gets tossed out the window, communication becomes possible. The only way to earn respect is to be respectful and understand that in the ways that matter most we're all the same. It took me a long long time to know that everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe has something meaningful to offer and everyone has value. To me this is the essence of who Christ was, and even if he didn't exist at all there's still plenty to be learned if people can see that maybe the message is more important than the man.

Anyway my question: I look at the Bible as a largely metaphorical work. I like that position because I've found so many of the great truths in life are expressed through metaphor. The Bible is far from being the only source of truth. Most of the great literature relied heavily on symbolism to get the authors point across. Guys like Mellville, Steinbeck, and Thoreau.

So there are all these references to things and events that I find unsettling. Maybe it's just me, don't know, but the end times passages in the Bible give me the same sort of feeling I get when I look in the rrear viewmirror and see a cop behind me, and I know my registration sticker is out of date.

That whacko president in Iran. He's been described as a " buffoon " but when I listen to him speak and look at his face on the news I don't see a buffoon...I see clever.

The Bible talks of a full circle, where the events of human history reach a climax of tension in the old places. It talks about an alliance between Elam ( Iran ) and Magog ( Russia ) and the rebuilding of Babylon in Iraq as a sign of shit about to hit the fan. It also mentions the " Young Lion " which is America, a splinter nation of England whose symbol is the lion and America as a ccomparatively newer nation pulling support away from Isreal to let that nation stand alone.

So here we are. Russia has embraced Iran and is arming her. Babylon has been rebuilt and is in the final stages of restoration. America fighting two wars already backpeddling in it's support of Isreal. A world split between a giant revival of faith and an unparaelled " falling away " and skeptisism with no up or down left. All of it happening. And Irans president has said publicly he'll do two things: Attack Jerusalem, and stop Christianity in Iran.

Maybe it's all bull. I don't know. What do you guys think? All comments welcome.
the problem with prophesies from the bible (especially apocalypse), is that all of the prophesies are extremely vague.

i mean REALLY vague.

like it says:

= 'when it nears the end of times, there will be wars and rumors of wars....'
also= 'there will be earthquakes [and other natural disasters like that]'

when i read or hear that, i say to myself, "wow....really??? are you freaking kidding me??? there has ALWAYS been "wars" since the beginning of humanity!!! what kind of freakin prophecy is that!?? that's just stating the obvious!! any bozo could do that!

and natural disasters??? what the fu(k??? of course there's gonna be freakin earthquakes....THEY'VE BEEN AROUND SINCE THE EARTH FORMED!!!
i would read it.but i rather just answer blindly. "god doesn't exist." best answer?
i think you have already discovered the answer.

Around 500 B.C. God told Daniel when The Messiah would arrive and Jesus arrived then.

God told Daniel The Messiah would be cutoff and that is what happened. We have lived in that Age of The Gentiles, since that day.

Then God told Daniel that there would be a final 7 years and He showed what would happen during that time to John who recorded it for us in The Revelation, the last book of the New Testament.

For hundreds and hundreds of years, Israel was not but is now.

Revelation speaks of countries coming against Israel which was not there but now is.

We Christians who believe that this is real are waiting for Jesus return.

Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be Born Again to see The Kingdom of God."

Time is short and you need to do that, now.
We are in the time of the end. I'm almost certain that there isn't enough time left in this world (age) for me to become a grandma. Am I scared? No. I know what will happen. I'm not expecting the "rapture" so I won't doubt my faith or turn my back on God when I need Him the most, just because I see the end time prophecies coming true. I'm ready to be martyred if it comes to that. Just have faith in God. Pray that you'll always know His will and have the desire, faith, and strength to do it.
Bull sums it up pretty well. You can take any large work and find things that seem to fit this time and place.
It's like Nostradamus, you can make anything fit if the prediction is muddy enough. I don't think Revelations is even about the end of time. It think it's a story about the fall of the Roman empire that was oppressing the Jews. It had to be told in metaphor to keep the author out of trouble.
I think there is a lot to prophecy that many people do not understand. however, if it's God's word like I think it is then we should all read it... Blessings