bext excuse to get out of iss?


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Yesterday me and a another kid from my chem class were just joking around. I kicked him in the leg a few times, he didn't say it hurt or anything or stop so we left it at that.

Today I get called down to the office, the nurse is there and this kid is there with a fucking leg that looks like it got mauled by a dog. The nurse reported his leg because she thought it was child abuse. The kid snitches to so his parents don't get in trouble now I have 3 days iss.

I told them that it's bull shit I did that, theres no bruises just scrapes and he was wearing jeans when it happened. They still gave me not one or two days iss but fucking 3. What kind of reason would you give to get it cut down or at least out of school?

This is the 4th time i have a reason I'm getting suspended for something throughout high school... It's boring as fuck and I can't blaze before it because you have to sit in a small room with a teacher. So bare with me if i'm asking for advice.

tl;dr kicked kid in the leg, he doesn't care, nurse reports his fucked up leg, i get 3 days iss, advice to get it cut down?