Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...


New member
Feb 15, 2008
So assume time travel is realistic. If you were 30 years old, and went back in time when you were 15, (so your 30 year old self and 15 year old self were there) could your 30 year old self shoot the 15 year old one and kill him?

If you were shot at 15, you would never live to be 30...but then again you had to live to be 30 to kill youself. what would happen? :confused:
a black hole starts, sucks everything in and turns the earth into a big ball of peanut butter.
two different time paradoxes. If you shot your 15 year old self he would die but you would still live because you are from a different time paradox
grandfather paradox
its called a paradox for a reason

when dealing with time travel alternate universes are conceivable and thus may make the paradox plausible if conducted in a parallel universe
edit 2
in b4 flux capacitor
but then you are screwing with the space-time continuum. We all know what bad things happen when you do that.
Someone needs to revisit calculus...A circle is not perfectly round. there are almost an infinite number of sides to a circle, each too small to see without an extremly powerful microscope :facepalm: