Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

what if you went back to your 15 year-old self and then introduced your past self into your time travel machine earlier than when you built it, and he went forward to your 30 year old self, and your 15 year-old self went backwards to when your 30 year-old self visited your 15 year-old self and your 30-year-old self went forward to your 15 year-old self visting your 30 year-old self.
This ones better than both of them.

So suppose Earth is a million light years away from another planet and we both have microscopes that can see that far. If we look at them we can see them, but if they look at us they can't see anything because we didn't exist a million light years ago!!!!:dodgy:
I've always subscribed to the parallel universe "time is like a river" theory. That if you had gone back in time and changed something it would just create a a new stream split off from the main one. There would be another universe in which you were killed but you would still live because you came from a universe in which you grew to be 30 and got a time machine. It makes the theory of time travel complicated though because you would need to travel more than just through time but through these other universes as well, kind of like slider(that show pwned back in the day).
makes no sense.. you wouldn't live to 30 because when you were 15, your 30 year old self killed you... but you never made it to 30..
