Best Mono Amp for my current car audio setup?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Right now I have four 6 1/2" alpine speakers in my car, I also have a four channel 500 watt Phoenix Gold amp, and a 12" Kenwood T1200W sub. I'm looking to get a lot more bass in the car and I was thinking about investing in a new mono channel amp to run the sub off of, and then use my 4 channel amp for the speaker.

I believe right now I'm really under powering the sub and if I get a good amp ( probably at least 1000w, because I might upgrade to two 12's in the future ) I could get some serious bass. Just looking for a second opinion or some recommendations to help my car produce more bass, possibly some good amp brands for a decent budget to make my car pump?

Thanks in advance all !
First you need to make sure the enclosure you have the sub in is appropriate. Since you're looking for huge bass, you can build a box especially for that purpose. It helps to have some modeling software. I use WinISD.

As far as monoblocks, get what you can afford. Depending on your budget, they're all pretty much the same within a given price range. You can pretty much double your bass with a well built box though. That's a much cheaper way to get started on your road to going deaf.