Best ereader for a newbie?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
So after trying to read an ebook on my phone, I finally got the hang of it. My only problem is it hurts my eyes after a long period of time, so I decided to buy an ereader. I want something that's a bit cheaper (less than $100) but something that'll do the task perfectly. I've researched a bit and found some good picks. My first choice was kindle 4. It was obvious since I buy ebooks from amazon. But I heard that after a long duration of time or about a year, the kindle will malfunction (something about the screen?), so that turned me off. Is it true or false? Other ereaders were good (Nook, Sony, Kino) but I want something that'll work with amazon ebooks. So far, I see none T_T Is kindle my only choice? I'll choose the paperwhite 3g version later in the future but as of now, I just want a simple ereader....
Tablets are out of the question, BTW....
I've had the Kindle 3, aka the Kindle Keyboard, for 2.5 years now. No problems at all. My father has a Kindle that's 6 months older than mine and it still works fine. I don't know where this rumor about them malfunctioning after a year started - probably the same place as the rumor that you can only buy content from Amazon. Both are untrue.

The basic Kindle is a good choice. I can read mine for 8 hours or more with no eye strain. Also, it's easy to enlarge the font, which can come in handy.
if you want an ereader that is compatible with Kindle ebooks, you need to get a Kindle ereader