Benfica supporting little girl not at all happy to receive a Porto shirt for Christma


Jun 17, 2007
Christmas provides an excellent opportunity for parents around the world to troll their children. Unfortunately for a Portuguese girl named Catarina, her parents decided to seize this opportunity and play a prank on her.
You see, Catarina loves Benfica and, naturally, she asked fora Benfica shirt for Christmas. So with her father recording, she started to open the gift that had to be her Benfica shirt. After tearing a corner of the wrapping paper and taking a peek inside, she pushed it away and put her hands on her hips. She then stared daggers at everyone in the room because this was not a Benfica shirt. This was the shirt of rival club Porto.
Catarina backed away from the offending garment like it was leaking nuclear waste. When an adult finished unwrapping it and held it up, Catarina began to cry. Which is when her parents decided to end the joke and give her the real present — a Benfica shirt.
Catarina's face lit up and she immediately put it on display before donning it in a picture with her prankster dad. And now that this precedent has been set, we can only assume that next year she will get her revenge.
Previously: Young boy not at all happy to receive a Barcelona shirt for his birthday
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Brooks Peck
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