Bell Canada is Wrong... Please Help?


May 14, 2008
Guys do you know any good Company that has Internet, Telephone and maybe even cable or satielte other then bell ? im looking for a company with cheap prices and great service, a company that wont lie and make stuff up and keep rippping us off... We are getting ripped off by Bell every month .... please tell me whats a good company .... thanks in advance
Have you tried calling them and asking the to revise your package. I have always found costumer service most reasonable in changing my long distance and internet plans for what is most economical for me. I used to be with Eastlink and found them impossible to deal with
If you are being ripped off, then you haven't read your contract with Bell and never checked what you were signing for when you started with them. Depending where you live, Rogers, Telus, and Manitoba Telephone Service provide the same services as Bell, usually at almost identical prices and with the same kinds of contracts that will rip you off if you don't ask questions and make sure you understand both large and fine print.

There are other companies that provide home phone and internet services but they vary from location to location. You could probably find them using a search engine and querying 'telephone and internet service' along with your location.

Good luck and remember to read before you sign. Always ask questions and never decide on the spot.