Bartolo Colon's historic homer inspires an awkward tattoo


Jun 17, 2007
Have you ever been that person who felt so strongly that a specific event would never happen, you told your friends you'd get a tattoo in the unlikely occurrence it did? Then, a few weeks later, you're at a random tattoo parlor getting the ink you never actually wanted?*
Unfortunately for baseball fan Matt Sassi, he is that person, and there's no turning back now.
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According to, Sassi made a promise to his friends recently that on the outside chance Bartolo Colon hit a home run this season, he'd get a tattoo commemorating that very moment.*
Alas, Colon made history this past Saturday in San Diego, launching a thunderous home run at Petco Park. Now, just four days later, Sassi is the owner of this tattoo.*

The caption attached read:
There are few things in the world less important than a mans word. In this case, a statement was made at the beginning of the season, and it came true.​
Matt Sassi said to his buddy, Anthony Triola: "If Bartolo Colon hits a home run this year, I'll get a commemorative tattoo". Before the game on Saturday I met them in McFadden's and they told me about this bet. You'd think, ok... that's not happening. Right? WRONG! Coolest part of the bet was that they were both there to witness the feat in person. Matt is a Middletown, NY native that moved to San Diego. What were the odds that Bart would be on the hill the day of our invasion? What are the odds he'd go yard? Slim to damn near impossible.​
It really is quite appropriate he was there to witness it. Of all places, he had to feel the pitcher-friendly Petco Park would do everything it could to contain a near 43-year-old pitcher. Instead, Colon overwhelmed it and then soaked in the moment with a 30-second home run trot that had to feel like 30 minutes to Sassi.*
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As for the tattoo itself, well, it's definitely large. Perhaps it's not a spot on Colon likeness either, but the helmet falling off is a nice touch at least.**
To be honest, this is probably more a lesson in keeping one's thoughts to themselves. That, and a reminder that going back on your word is justifiable in some circumstances. Especially when the end result could look like this.
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813