Back to work blues


Apr 15, 2008
Oh well i'm back in work tomorrow after being off on suspension for the past two months. Whilst I shoud be happy to still have a job. I can't stand the job and wish I could give it up but finances won't allow.

I have always worked hard but I just dispise this job, and It is getting me down at the thought of returning.

Anyway that's my moan over.
I just got a letter saying my wages are being cut from £250 a week to £60 a week, cos Im off sick for 4weeks! and over an operation too, not like its unjustified time off!
I was in for my disaplinary last night and was supprised to just get a verbal warning! Sorry to hear about the poor do's you guy's are having at the moment and Johnno hope you find another job soon.

Cheers for that. What was your disciplinary for? (If you don't mind sharing it with us? )
I got attacked at work and the guy ended up in hospital not due to MA but due to a jar of Bovril. I posted about it on MAP somewhere..