Back from Afghanistan, soldier surprises family at ballgame


Jun 17, 2007
Gracie and Ruby Weichman were already anticipating a fun evening at the ballpark.

The four-year-old twin sisters were set to participate in a paper toss contest during the Spokane Indians ballgame on Monday night. But the girls got to do much more than play a game in the middle of the fourth inning.

After the sisters won the paper toss, they were greeted on the field by their father, Sgt. Chris Weichman, who had just returned from his third tour of duty in Afghanistan early that morning. The girls had no idea their dad, who had been gone for six months, was home.

Weichman walked out of the Indians' dugout onto the field, dropped to his knees in tears, and his daughters raced across the infield to embrace him. As the soldier reunited with his children and wife, the crowd of 4,005 at Avista Stadium gave the family a standing ovation. that night, the Indians — a Class A affiliate of the Texas Rangers —*gave the home crowd a thrilling 1-0 victory over the Yakima Bears. But it goes without saying, of course, that the Weichmans — as well as those fans who were lucky enough to witness such a special moment in person — had already scored a big win of their own.​

Big BLS*H/N: HuffPo

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