Awesome Teen Show, Entourage!!!


New member
Nov 27, 2010
As I said in the first season of Entourage DVD review, when it was a good run of episodes, is probably a good thing I knew I could improve, or I can not catch the show. Season 2 to improve every aspect of the show, The Tribe DVD the characters should be more sophisticated, more writing, and the jokes seem to have more fun. the boys just returned from New York, Vince (Adrian Grenier) has been shooting an independent film. Although not a big check for her was a dream project for him, The Simpsons DVD and it seems the paper has been adapted for Vince. Immediately, Officer Vince Ari (Jeremy Piven), Vince is stalking his next project. True Blood DVD Vince and his best manager / friend Eric “E” Murphy (Kevin Connolly) wants to get a movie called Medellin, which is the story of Paul Escabar, but Ari insists on making a movie version of Aquaman. Vince and Eric Aquaman, considering that a waste of time, how will make a lot of blue screen work, a lame superhero. Monk DVD Medellín, they say, is the best of both worlds, this is another pet project of Vince, but it’ s a photo studio that will earn a salary much Vince.