Author Alison Dotson Tells Blisstree The Truth About OCD—And If Girls Gets It Right


Jun 17, 2007
There's been a flurry of attention about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, lately, largely because the HBO show Girls. Hannah Horvath, the character played by Lena Dunham, has struggled with the disorder for the past few episodes, making OCD a topic of conversation for bloggers, critics and casual viewers alike. While some critics have called the appearance of OCD in Hannah's life unbelievable, others have praised the show for its nuanced, realistic portrayal of a young woman with the anxiety disorder. To learn even more about what it's like to live with this condition, we talked to Alison Dotson, author of Being Me with*OCD: How I Learned to Obsess Less and Live My Life, a book for teens due out*this October. Alison tells us more about life as a young woman with OCD (and no, it's not all hand washing and light flicking). More »

Author Alison Dotson Tells Blisstree The Truth About OCD—And If Girls Gets It Right is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health food recipes. Advice & news on mental health & healthcare..
