Audi A4 for a high schooler?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I have a few months before i get a car and i'm curious if anyone has any experiences or opinions which could help me know if a new 2009 Audi A4 is a good car for a high school student who will then take it to college.
that doesnt even look like a car that makes people say "holy shiiittt" it just looks like a regular car, only car freaks like u and that girl's brother would know its good man, fuuuckk u
I say no. It is too nice a car to take to college. People are reckless and your car will be a target and unless you have a private secured parking arrangement dont do it. It would be best to get an suv or a pickup truck since you can use it to move to and from dorm/apt/parents house. You will get solicited a lot from friends and freeloaders to help them move, so be ready. Or just get a hooptie and have fun not worrying about your car getting keyed, barfed on, stolen, or bumped.
my brother is a car freak so i know that's a good car
i have seen people at my highschool(best friends) drive them but it is very rare cuz some spray paint on it to ruin it so yeah...