Audi A3 Clutch Problem?


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Hello Experts,

I literally got an Audi A3 3 weeks back from one of my friend and got it serviced. The servicing people replaced all discs and brake pads which costed few bucks :( It showed the brake pads were worn again. But when I took it today, looks like the sensor problem and fixed it.
But now he says that clutch is a problem and its very critical and you need to change it immediately or else it will break down on the way back and need to replace the fly wheel as well if delayed changing the clutch. I was driving for 15 days and cannot find any problem but now am panicking. I thought I could look into all problems during MOT at Sep. Cant I live with this clutch problem? Dont know what this gobbledygook means. How long its going to survive and what is the thing that would happen if I just drive with this problem.
I know there isnt much info given in this message. But this is what I was told from the service station.

Thank you.
most garages are crooks always looking for work that is not needed.
the way to check if your clutch is on the way out is trying to pull off in 3rd gear with a bit of revs. the engine should stall if it revs up with your foot off the clutch then the plate is worn. only do this once as it will wear the clutch out.
I had a VW Passat and was told my clutch was heading out but I drove and drove and drove. Unless its a pure mule to get it into gear and it doesn't slip out of gear I wouldn't be changing anything. Save a tenner each week and I reckon by the time you've saved for a new one it'll still be going! What year is the car? Clutch usually will see near 150000 on Audi's and VW's unless the previous owner was fond of keeping their foot half way down on clutch pedal while driving. Anyway let us know what you decide on but I reckon hold on to your hard earned for as long as possible!
So what exactly IS the alleged clutch problem?
You're not going to get much help if you can't describe the problem.

If it's a Diesel then you usually do need to replace the dual mas flywheel with the clutch, a hideously expensive job that regularly sends them to the scrapyard due to the cost involve, but we need to know what the issue is.