Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so

I refuse to believe in a god who is the primary cause of conflict in the world, preaches racism, sexism, homophobia, and ignorance, and then sends me to hell if I’m ‘bad’.

Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, knowledge, and all the other things I can prove and that make this life the best life I will ever have.
>Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so much time arguing?

Because there are billions of people around the world who fervently believe in God and furthermore are busy oppressing homosexuals, denying freedoms to women, indoctrinating children, banning evolutionary theory in schools, forbidding stem cell research, supporting social and personal philosophies of ignorance and non-thought, blowing up buses, shooting abortion doctors, crashing airplanes into buildings and so on as a result of those beliefs. We atheists look at things like that happening and we CARE, and naturally we feel like we want to do something about it.

>I mean, I KNOW that the tooth fairy doesn't exist, do you think I get up everyday and argue whether or not the tooth fairy exists?

No, because people around the world are not committing horrible, atrocious acts and infringing on the rights of millions of innocent people as a result of believing in the Tooth Fairy. The belief in God is no less absurd than the belief in the Tooth Fairy, but it IS much more dangerous.

>a lot of you dont want God to exists becuz it would mean you have to live your life a certain way and you are all too selfish to do that

Wrong. First, if there really is some kind of deity (and it's possible, just unlikely), then almost certainly it is a deity that understands logic and would support a morality founded on logic, which is exactly the morality I try to use to the best of my ability. In other words, I am already trying my best to live in accordance with what any REAL god would support anyway. Furthermore, if it turned out by some remote chance that there is a real god AND that that god supports some ridiculous code of ethics that is not consistent with the logic of this universe (the abrahamic god is one such god), then quite frankly I would continue to follow morality anyway; I have no intention of bowing to the ridiculous and arbitrary will of a deity just because that deity selfishly and irrationally wants to torture me for eternity otherwise.