ATHEISTS: what can you say about religion?

Religion is an institution designed to keep people in check. It's an answer to the age old question "why are we here?" as well as a system to enforce morality in its practitioners.
I can say that while it is a very nice concept, and would make the world more pleasant if done correctly, we're only human. We can't possibly all follow our prescribed religions in the way they were meant to be followed. Someone somewhere will use it incorrectly, and we will all suffer for it.
Religion in itself is not evil, but there are people who use it that are.
That's all I have to say.
I'm not atheist, but I will say that nobody has the authority to assert who has the right religioon, so why bother. And basically, I just feel that they got it wrong anyways, based on my own personal search
depends on the religion.. but for the most part it's good for the people that need it in their lives... and bad when mingled in politics or when it makes people feel ashamed to be themselves.