AT&T HTC Touch Pro/Fuze questions EASY 10 POINTS?


Mar 11, 2008
So i'm thinking about getting the bout htc touch pro aka fuze.
it looks really nice but I'm just wondering if its really worth $299.99

Does anyone know if its a good phone or not?

Here are my questions (please answer as many as you know the answer to) THANKS!

How is the touch screen? Does it sense your finger pressing it well or do you need to press it a few times sometimes?
How is the key board?
Do the keys press easily?
Is it easy to use?
How is it compared to the iphone?
Thanks in advance by the way! First person to actually help gets 10 points
one more question: how is it compared to the new at&t quickfire?
wow im sorry but one more question! im so annoying lol but does it vibrate when you use the touch screen like the voyager and some other phones do?
btw youll get 10 points AND ill go on and try and answer any of your questions THANKS X 10000000