AT&T automatically changes data plan if you put Sim card in smartphone?


May 20, 2008
so my cellphone broke the other day and we had a really old cellphone so I figured no big deal i can just use the old one.

But then my sister said she had a blackberry curve from her friend who didn't want it anymore so i put my Sim card in that and started using it. 3:16AM i get text from AT&T saying that they've up'ed the price of my data plan for my new smartphone.

I immediately go back to the other phone but my question is do i have to call AT&T and change my plan back or does it just automatically switch plans according to what phone im using because i really don't want to pay 30 bucks a month for a damn blackberry
Thanks for the answer i guess it was just wishful thinking that they'ed change my plan back and i wouldn't have to deal with them