Astrology Discussion Question #12: What is your Venus sign and do you act like it?


New member
Feb 8, 2009
My Venus is in Scorpio ( Mars in Aries, Sagittarius sun, Aquarius rising, Leo moon )
But I dont think my Venus in Scorpio is very strong. That could be because of a lot of my fire signs.
Once my sister told me "I think you are afraid of relationships"
That may be somewhat true... I do fear commitment a little bit. I enjoy having my eye on five or six guys and having my freedom/being able to do what I want.
But a part of me wants to be in one but I want my freedom as well.
When I flirt, it's more quirky and playful. That actually happened recently when I was flirting with a guy. But once he started gettng closer to me, it freaked me out so I've been more detatched towards him ( but still trying to be friendly ) I also find it hard being emotionally involved with guys and even some of my female friends.

Anyway, enough about me, what about you?