ASIAN GUYS ONLY PLEASE!!!!!! Do Asian guys like Mexican girls?

Ha I have a late reply to this x3
Well, I'm a Mexican girl myself and I LOVEEEEE Asian guys xP
But of course it's that vicious cycle in which we're all in which asian guys believe we dont pay much attention to them and what i believe which is asian guys are only attracted to their own race. All the asian guys i've encountered don't show much interest in other races. I dont know why but it really sucks cause i believe that being open minded when it comes to dating other races rather than your own is the way to go xP

Thanks to replying to my post. I'm glad to hear your response. I guess it is a vicious cycle but it can be broken if we stay open minded. Its great that your open minded and i wish there are more mexican girls like you, so there can be more interracial dating between our two races. I'm sure you'll come across your ideal asian guy eventually. Asian guys (not all) are usually shy and feel that other races dont like them. So, just be patient and be persistent in showing interest towards one that your pursuing and eventually he'll understand. Good luck with everything.
Being an asian guy that has dated all ethnicities...the truth is, once you are friends and close enough to date, the color lines will disappear. For the longest time, dating a white/black/latina girl was always so ooh and aah in my head, and that's all it your heads.

You can't be lovers without being friends first, and trying to make friends with someone doesn't necessarily mean it has to be romantic, so forget about the apprehensions and figure out how to be friends first.

PS. This asian guy does find latinas hot :)
i prefer other race guys. i find asian guy generally all have small ding dongs!
Hey Guys I am new at here.I want to know your think about dating with Asian Girls..I heard some Western Girls are not interested in dating with Asian guys.Then what they prefer and why?
I prefer Asian girls for successful dating and i am learning techniques for en joyful dating.
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Okay uhm for the record, there IS no culture clash! Maybe a little, looks, that's about it. Food is alike, morals (depending on person) are alike. I am half white half latina. And I love asian guys! It's so funny to see me when I see an asian guy cause my heart stops! And I am half latina and all of that stuff about latina's have no morals is a lie! My parents would beat my blind if I disobeyed them! And I am kind of going with the entire "Asian boys only with Asian girls" that's why I won't go up to an Asian guy and try to flirt, I'm thinking "What if he only likes Asian girls? What if his parents won't let him? He's not even looking at me so why even bother?" Then I turn around and walk away all sad, but Yeah I'm half latina and I love asian guys! If I could I'd be dating one right now! (depending on his morals and our things we have in common) but yeah, that's my opinion, but I was thinking of moving to japan when I got older, then I thought, no one will marry me there! I'll die alone!
Not Any Better

That's a bunch of bull shit.

First of all, I'm a mexican girl and I'm NOT stupid nor do i lack brains. I've always been at the top of my class and this year I will graduate with honors.
I don't know what you went through but boy do i feel sorry for you.

I'm sorry but saying that STILL manages to make all of us look bad. do you REALLY need to say bull****? Can;t you be more formal? I know that comment was bad and fake too but, I don't need to get angry over it, that is just someone's closed minded opinion...
Hey whats going on! i saw this forum and wanted to put my insight. Im chinese and lived in LA all my life. To be honest i grew up liking just asian girls, but as time progressed i started to find so muchh attraction towards mexican girls. I mean i like how they carry themselves, their personality, and their looks. These aspects just is such a big turn on for me; however, i agree with one of the comments posted a while ago. It seems like mexican girls show no attention towards asian guys. I understand how asian parents are towards the significant individual should be for their child. But, i mean we're all in America and we come across different cultures and morals. So, I respect all races and cultures, and i'm willing to give any culture a chance. To be honest, everytime i look at a mexican girl, she shows no attention at all. I mean is it a front where you have to pursue harder or is it just a stone cold "no" answer. I just get really confused each time im presented by this display. Can I please get a response on how to view this issue. Thank you.
I am crazy for asian guys but I'm too shy. Maybe those girls were shy...or just not into asian guys.
Im a Korean boy : I find mexican girls really attractive! nice body+pretty (better than azn girls HAHA)

just start flirting with them don't get scared~
just because we have the stereotype of being baby making machines, doesnt we are all the same!!!!!!!! im 21 yrs old and i dont have kids, and i dont cheat on anyone!!!!!! dont judge!!!
no because the law in asia is that we arent allowed to have sex with mexicans or whites.
im asian and my parents would kill me with thier nunchuku if i ever were to consider that
hi i'm half japanese and half mexican so i think that asians guys like mexican girls. My parents love each other. And i'm attracted to both races.
I'm a mexican girl and i find asian guys very attractive but they seem to not pay attention to me. there usually with asian girls
Hehehe hihi i am Mexican and i like asian guys but i think some asian guys dont like mexicans because of the color of there skin but not all mexicans are dark i am mexican and my face is almost the same colore as an asian girl but 2 but i cant date asian guys there are non close to me cus i live in vegas and there are non in my school i wanna go to japan :bubble gum:
I am a Mexican woman I read that many Asian guys don't think Mexicans like them ad they do not interact with them but it might be because they don't know how to. In high school I was trying to get this Asian guys attention but I didn't know how to.

I even singed up for the investment club and he sat as far away as possible....but from time to time close to me and I felt warm and fussy when he did. He was so clean and handsome!

Anyways we were the most intelligent people in the classroom and even the teacher commented that we would make a great couple (i know weird) but he never made a move I mean yes he would hand around my locker and I would see him around a lot but I think he want a friendship only :(

I remember once I told him if I one day I wanted to be married I would marry him because he was so smart and he said no ...maybe I scared him off but he always seemed to find his way to my locker.... damn.

I even tried to hand out more with Asian girls to understand them more but it seemed Asian girls were only interested on hanging with the whites.

IDK that guy was the one that got away and I wonder "what if" . Now I am 25 and married to an awesome white guy but I still remember him!

If you read this by any chance HI! LOL We used to go to South Division HS Milwaukee, WI.
Im chinese and i am in love with a mexican girl we are in a relationship for 1 year and 2 month (yea a guy remembers his on anniversary). I met her in my Italian class and we began to talk afterwards. Her mom loves me and my dad brought us both to school one day when it was raining. The surprise thing is, my girlfriends dad is not to fond of me but i try my best to impress him :p. We both experience each others cultures and its nice to learn something new :)

Have you tried approaching any of them? If so, did you make it crystal clear to them that you were interested or did you just try giving hints? Remember that girls can be just as clueless as guys when it comes to figuring out if someone is interested. By the way, my suggestion would be for you to make the first move when approaching any woman because most females like to be pursued and not be the chaser.
just wanted to throw in my 2¢. i'm asian and have been in a 9 year committed relationship with a mexican guy. come on people, it's 2012! i just want to reiterate what others have already said. it's not that most asian guys ONLY want to be with asian girls, but in american media especially there are a lot of negative stereotypes about asian guys like having small dicks and all that that may make them slightly insecure when trying to search out prospective suitors that are not their race. therefore many asian guys believe non-asian girls have no interest in them and to prevent embarrassment they don't even try, no matter how attracted they are to a latina girl. anyway, our society still has a long way to go! 100 years ago i bet there wasn't even 1/100th the amount of interracial relationships out there today. besides, as we become more mobile people and people start moving around continents, i bet we will one day become a grey, homogenus race, so who cares? just be with whoever you want to be with, no matter the race, and fck what other people think!
I'm a mexican girl, and I'm HIGHLY attracted to asian guys. In fact they're the only race I'm even really attracted to, I don't know why. Anyways, I had a asian boyfriend before, he was chinese. At first he was so.. Sweet, caring, loving,thoughtful and just soo.. Amazing. He did everything he could to win me over. However, I was still healing from a past heartbreak so when I finally let my walls down and said yes to him everything went fine for a while. He ma
de fall soooooo hard and so fast for him, words couldn't even explain of how much I fell for him. I thought.. He can be the one for me but in the end, sadly, I ended up felling even more heart broken and toyed with then before. B/c After he got me he didn't care anymore and he wouldn't put effort in anymore, he gave up so easily and made feel like I did everything wrong.. I dunno. To me he kind of left a bad impression of asian guys, so I was left wondering are all asian guys like this..?:c I really hope not:c but then after him a few other asian guys approached me too, but it was the same thing they put in so much effort until the finally saw I'd let them in and let my walls down then when I did they left carelessly.. I dunno. now, I'm talking to this Hmong guy and he actaully approached me, so for the asian guys being attracted to us hispanics, it's possible, anyways we've talking been ever since freshman year but b/c of the impression my first asian boyfriend left I'm scared the one I'm talking to will do the same.. And I really like him, A LOT, I just don't want to be heart broken again.. Advice?
Asians like Mexican girls

Heck yes, most definitely Asian guys like Mexican girls. Everyone loves Mexican girls because they're the hottest. It has nothing to do with Asian parents. If an Asian guy happened to get a hot Mexican girl, he'll disown his family and run away with the girl. I've known a hardcore Christian who disowned God for a Mexican girl. NEVER disown God because although He'll forgive you if you repent, it'll take a long time and He'll make sure you are so truly sorry be punishing your ass. This guy is still suffering as we speak because of what he did to God. Anyways, I don't think the Asian parents would even mind; just as long as the girl is hot. Asian guys end up with Asian girls because it has to do with comfort level. Asian girls are easy to approach for any kind of guy, and they are very receptive and good to get along with. There is one exception, and that is Korean chicks. Most Korean girls are opportunists and they'll suck the life and money out of you, and then leave you once you are broke. They only secretly like Korean and white guys. I know this because I am Korean, and I've seen this happen a lot. Korean girls are especially prejudice against Latinos and blacks. But besides Koreans, most Asian girls usually give any guy a chance whether or not they are fat or average-looking. I'm fat, short, and not good-looking, and most Asian girls I ever asked to go on a first date said yes to me. The Vietnamese girls especially have been very kind to me, and usually they always made the first move because I am very shy. I've always had luck with Vietnamese girls. For Asian girls overall (except Korean), it has mostly to do with personality. That is why you see so many pretty Asian girls with gnarly-looking guys; it's all about just asking them out. Asian girls 90% of the time will say "yes" when being asked on a date because they don't want to be rude. Mexican girls, on the other hand, are usually kind of racist particularly towards Asian and black guys. There are relatively few Mexican girls who would give Asian guys a chance, but the ones who do are usually very down to earth and cool. But the scary part about these nice kinds of Mexican girls is that they are very touchy-feely. I mean, from my experience at work they like to grab your butt, punch your balls, come up next to you and gently rub their breast on your arm to see what you'll do about it, and sit next to you and take off their shoe so that they can rub their toes against your leg. I am not kidding about this. This happened to me with a few Mexican girls at work, and they intimidated the heck out of me. One time this one Mexican girl at work made me feel so uncomfortable because she was so physically aggressive towards me with her sexual assaults, I moved my work station. When she saw me move, she came over and asked why I didn't like her. I told her that I indeed liked her as a person, and then she bit her bottom lip and ball-tapped me. I was like, "Ma-ma mia!" True story.
Im a Mexican female. Im attractive... but really shy. Also, I was raised to not make the first move and not chase guys. Thats too bad because I melt when I see a cute Asian boy. I find Asian boys to be more attractive than any other race... its a matter of preference.