Are you enjoying watching Liddy chief of AIG in the hot seat right now?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
He is handling himself very well, but is contradictory in a lot of his statements. I'm glad he asked the execs to give back those disgusting bonuses. I hope they are made to pay that money back plus some! Disgusting!
Diamond: I do agree it is a distraction, but I also believe that this is just the beginning of what will come. Everything will come out in the future and we will know where all the money is going and has gone. This is just the top layer on the cake.
I don't give thumbs down. I appreciate all opinions, even if I don't agree with them. I give you all thumbs up.
What gets me is that there was a clause in the stimulus package that would have restricted this type of bonuses, but they took it out of the bill! Why? That's what I'd like to know.
Yes, but it seems too scripted.

The best part will come when the thinktanks have had time to research his words and deeds and come forward with their findings.

For Act I, it is at least important that he showed up and did not take the 5th.
I'm annoyed that they bothered to ask for 1/2 of their bonuses back when it should have been 100%.

And considering that those bonuses went to the same buffoons that got the company into the financial mess that it's already in, and it not being mandatory that all bonuses being returned, is an outrage.