Are you enjoying the rest of your vacation on some after Christmas shopping?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
I spent today relaxing with my brother, sister, and my brother's girlfriend: eating, watching TV, napping, talking, and being on the computer. (I'm using my brother's laptop now.)

Merry Christmas!
With all these stores offering these after the holiday bargains, many people would prefer money over Christmas gifts, like me I can be a little stingy and picky with Christmas gifts, and it can get on people's nerves. -Let's not forget the true meaning of Christmas, :)
i am enjoying just being home alone! after being surrounded by heaps of people over xmas, its nice to just have a little quiet me-time lol
I'm done shopping for sure! However I don't have to go back to work until 1/05/09 so I will enjoy my vacation!!!
i would honistly prefere money and cift cards just because it is so hard to pick and choose what you want when others ask for a list. although money is not in the christmas spirit sorta, it allows the recipitant to go to say a mall and buy something that catches there eye instead of making a list 2 months before then completely not wanting it by christmas time because you move on, then you screwed.
I go shopping with money people give me and gift cards.
Also trying to score the deals of the many stores that are offering them.
I'd prefer both money and gifts. Not to be greedy. Im just not picky that way.