Are you aware of the changes in the UK regarding vehicle insurance?


Apr 1, 2009
I would like to know how many are aware of the following changes about to happen to counter car insurance fraud and evasion. Please just let me know if you are aware and how you heard about it and any comments you may have -

ANTI-EVASION - from Appril this year the DVLA will start to send out warning letters to anyone registered as a keeper of a vehicle which has not got insurance and has not been SORNed. If the situation is not quickly remedied then the keeper will be fined.

ANTI FRAUD - there is an announcement about to be made officially that car insurers will have access to the DVLA records of drivers licences so they can check what endorsements a driver has when applying for or renewing insurance.

Whilst I think these are good moves I am concerned that there has been little or no publicity about them - have you seen anything about these?

Also what else could reasonably be done, without increasing costs or beauocracy to get the 1 million uninsured cars off our roads faster?