Are they really my friends if they laughed at me for marrying a girl from...


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
...another country? So I have this friend and a couple of other friends from high school who attend my college. When they heard that I was getting a wife from another country because I couldn't find a girl here, they laughed their butts off saying I knew you would end up like this or either turn gay because of your lack of women. They said go ahead and marry her and she will leave you 3 years after she got into the U.S and have a U.S citizenship. I told them that it is normal in the vietnamese culture for your parents and relatives to help you out by asking your relatives still living in vietnam to find you a girl to marry. They said no it's not normal It's called Mail Order Bride and they said shut your fcuking mouth before i shove your teeth down your fudging lame self. Are they really my friends ?? They always said we're your friends but they treat me like crap. Their names are Brice and Ryan from San Jose.