are there any good martial arts classes in oakland county, michigan for kids?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I have a 3 year old boy stuck between two sisters. The older one is in gymnastics(has been since 1) and ballet the younger one not yet since shes only 4 months. I'm looking for karate classes in Oakland county that take 3 year olds. Any help would be appreciated ... thanks in advance
The terms "martial arts" and "kids" don't go together. Especially at the age of 3....... The martial arts are about brutal methods of self-defense. Any school that teaches kids is (at least I hope) are not teaching martial arts. They are instead just an expensive baby sitting service. most also charge high rates and then have you pay for belt tests too. For what? I'm not against martial arts. Far from it. I'm against any one putting their small children into it when they would be better served by putting them into something more suitable for them at such a young age. At that age you put them into an activity that neither you nor them understand. Then you pay ridiculous amounts of money to be taught trash. Your child would be better off placed in a day care where at least he will learn something while being taken care of and learning to get along with other children.

Understand that in the 1960's there were no children in the martial arts in the U.S.A. because it was not suitable for them. black belts were never given to children. The minimum age was almost always at least 16-18. Often it was not awarded to those less than 20. In the 1970's the Koreans sent boatloads of Korean instructors to the U.S.A. It was that large influx of instructors that came here selling contracts and lowering the standards and the age requirements. They have basically made a mockery of the martial arts, which others have followed. It is totally ridiculous to believe for a moment that children can handle the martial arts or even understand them.

Don't allow yourself to be just another parent that got taken at the local McDojo.
