are there any female backpackers out there who went on extreme hikes in the...


Mar 18, 2008
...bush for several weeks? i am thinking (just thinking not sure ofdoing) about going on an extrem hike out in the woods for a month or 2 or going for a hike from prince george bc to edmonon albertaand was woundering what gear should be in my ruck and what clothing i should have t me. i was thinking of goin in spring or full. is there any female hikers who can help?
i'm a female hiker ;) there are TONS of females who have done WAAAAY more extremem than that. longest hike i did was tha pallasade glacier to ice clime, it was winter an we stayed for only a week because of a major storm moving in. but anyway, thats awsome, you should defiantly do it!
have clothing for the worst weather and the best, thats all i can say. weather is moody and all hikers know to bring a small jacket, a huge coat, very warm pants, pants, and shorts. expect the worst and the best ;)