Are my morals old fashioned?


May 17, 2008
I'm 21 yr old male. Most of my friends are completely different to me. granted i was brought up a JW until 12 when i stopped being apart of it. Also i have lacked a farther figure due to mine being and alcoholic who vanishes at every sight of responsibly. I just feel like i'm not in touch with the world. Mates would be into drugs, drinking more often than me. One night stands, pulling and trying to get off with every attractive woman we see when out.

I'm just not like that and wondered if i am odd. When out clubbing i feel a bit left behind. Do girls now days want a guy to be bad and just take them like that. Is anyone just up to dating and building a relationship or is it straight to bed all the time. I want the first time to be special but finding someone else who does too seems like a needle in a haystack.

Maybe it is me, maybe i am out of touch with the world.
You are much more mature than the rest. Thats how i see it. No, real girls wouldnt want a bad guy. Real guys would want sincere and honest guys like you. Yes, finding someone special do take an eternity. But if you wait, trust me, you'll get a happy ending :)
your not out of touch buddy just maybe a generation behind your friends.

To be honest most young girls do like bad boys, they rebel against their parenst and get the worst guy they can. Some like the excitment of being with a bad guy. But the key thing is here that most girls don't want a long term relationship with a bad guy.

They test them out and once the excitment wears and they realise the guy couldn't care less about them. Thats when they grow up a bit and start looking for someone to share their life with and thats when you strike buddy.

No, there are a large proportion of us who are out of touch with the seedier side of the world and want none of it. It's a wonderful sense of freedom when you realise that no, not all men are the same or should aspire to be the same and the same goes for women. You can be who you want to be, follow your own moral code and tell yourself, actually it doesn't matter what other people think, if they think I'm old-fashioned, etc, these are my morals and I will live by them. You will also find partners who do share your views but, to be honest, clubbing is not a good way to find a partner at all (excessive drink and noise mean you can hardly focus on someone, can't hear what they say, can't think straight, struggle to stand up never mind actually suss someone out and have a conversation). with them.
Your morals are fine. Don't try and change, or you'll wind up miserable.

Human sexuality is not, and has never been, cut and dried. Some girls are into hooking up, while others are more like you. Just find somebody you like.
well, girls want that type of old-fashioned-ness deep down. When you say that they want bad boys, what it really means is the 'unexpectedness'. Not a bad attitude. They want to be surprised and not get a boring "nice-guy" who just does everything that they're told to do. We want you to take control but still be a gentleman, which you seem to be doing quite well.

All you have to do is be more spontaneous, adventurous, surprising..etc. Another thing is that the girls you're probably used to see'ing are girls. Not women. Look for more mature ones, but if you like younger girls, then well, you're going to have to get bloody well lucky.