Are Jesus, Muhammed, Moses, Budda, Krishna etc special beings?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
or are they merely mirrors to be realized? Are they helpers that show the path? Are they beings who take you to your true potential?

Thanks very much for answering. Peace, Love and Blessings!
All human beings are special.

If they existed, one thing is for sure - they were all just human beings.
"There are two ways to spread Light." To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.

Edith Wharton. ?

You are already "fully" enlightened. However, you may have only "semi" realized it at this point.
Jesus is the only "special being" from your list. The Holy Spirit is the Helper. Jesus shows me what I should try to become.
Jesus, Moses, and Krishna are such special beings that they didn't even exist. Buddha and Muhammad may have existed.