Are Fox discussion panels intended to be Obama whine fests or do they just...


New member
Feb 9, 2009
...turn out that way!? Waaaaa. Michelle Obama doesn't like living in the White House. Waaaaaa. Did you see the big Halloween event they held. Waaaaaaaa. Geez! They just find anything to whine and cry about.
@StephenG -- Yep. Just so you know, unlike many cons, I will not give opinions about that which I have no knowledge. So, from time to time, I tune in just to watch , listen, and try to see the appeal. I have yet to find any!
thor_tor -- Wrong! See above. I've been watching Hannity and 'The Five'. Fox is a whine fest about President Obama -- Michelle doesn't like living in the White House, complaints about some Alice in Wonderland Halloween party at the White House OVER TWO MONTHS AGO, and Fox-spun opinions with zero supporting documentation. At least MSNBC talks about issues of importance, and they support opinions with tapes, stats, charts, and other documentation. Have you watched MSNBC as I have watched Fox? I don't think so from your comment.
@Mike -- For attacking me for no reason, your mother was stupid for giving birth to an idiot!