Are dreams the portal into another dimension?


Apr 1, 2008
Also do you think that if the after-life exists...your relatives know when you're feeling really depressed and suicidal? It's weird..because I've been feeling like that for a quite a while. And perhaps it's just a coincidence..but I went to go to the store...and I saw this dog that I've never seen before just waiting on some steps in front if this building, and it looked exactly at me when I turned the corner..and when I was coming back...the dog started to if it was aware of me or watching over me or something..and then because I'm afraid of dogs...this one woman who was beside me who couldn't even see my face that well...said are you afraid of dogs? And then when she walked with me a bit to kind of reduce my fear...she said...I'm a grandma I'm always here to save people...And it's really strange that all that happened and I wanted to end my life the day before...Was that just a coincidence?