Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

I see you have joined this thread to add to the paranoid, insecure perception that all attractive women ARE gold diggers!


Love the trademark, BTW.
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

I think the general idea is the more attractive a woman may appear, the less she has to dig to find gold. I blame capitalist interpretations of democracy.

Last thing to enter my mind in a year I've been laid though. But it is true if the sorts of women who judge your attractiveness by employment (which is solely a financial circumstance), aren't the sort of women you should like, it is quite a coincidence that over time you end up not liking a whole lot of really beautiful women, which is conflicting.
I'm holding out for those exceptions to the rule. As the years turn into decades I think, one day, one day.

And it's not that women don't like any one of us, good looking women too. It's that there's so damn many of us. Billions of humans all crawling over each other trying to live happy and independent. It's in advertising, it's in schoolyards, guys chase girls so girls get to choose. Just like gambling a handful get all the luck and there's no genuine reason to it at all. In fact as an observer of people I seem to notice women go for those getting more, in preference to those they say turn them on. Given the choice and no time to think I'd say most women will flirt to possible conclusion with a hitched guy way before a single one.

We're apes, no doubt about it, but some of us do try to be humans also. Can't deny that you have to try though, and I'm aware how lazy in the head we tend to be per capita.
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

Girls get to choose?

Not in my book they dont.
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

oh, i've been doing it from the beginning, dear.

and thank you. ^_^

oiy, you. that's illegal in most countries.
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

Maybe it is just Females tend to see beyond physical beauty in a Man ,well we see that too
intelligence .... sense of humour... personality ...power.... kind to Animals ..and interesting ....oh and a bit of a bad boy edge thrown in ..tend to be good
the opposites of the above are not good..... notice how Money never really entered it...oooops my mistake Money
But only with some of the top list ...unless they are exceptional in OTHER ways
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

Did it ever occur to any of you that it has more to do with the fact that most women STILL earn less then men, because of inequalities in the workplace, whether that be the glass ceiling, old boys club, different jobs that they do,
Ie, still more women are nurses, a job that pays less than a builders, which has a higher % of men doing that job?!

I thought it was pretty obvious...
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

No I dont' really think so. I know women that earn very good money. Most of them would LOVE a man who could REALLY take care of them. Hmm shame theres only one of me really..
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

Doesn't power = money ? Most ppl with influence are CEO's, sales ppl that have money. Or what does power mean to you ?

Also, whats that thing about a bad boy edge ? I'm sure its someone you would have a relationship with but I can't imagine thats someone you would marry. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

ha! conclusive proof to the contrary:
my best friend, a gorgeous, *gorgeous* girl, was proposed to by an indian member of government's son. they would've had to rent out a football stadium for their wedding.
instead, she went for a waiter who earns less than she does.

there we go.
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

badboy edge...not total bad boy ,no one likes Mr sooo goooody tooo shoes
maybe rough naughty boy would be better description.
Yes POWER does often mean money,but not all jobs with money are Power jobs....but alot are true...but not always......
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

I bet you just love a man in uniform ..
maybe he gas a BIG gun tucked away somewhere, just for good bad boy measure

and yes power.. such a heady cocktail of possibility .. it is. Beware what y'all wish for I'll say.. money ain't nothin' but a thing.. men, women alike..
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

let me say this about power and money..

Power is not something that is kept in your wallet. Though you may use it to fill it up good and plenty if it so pleases.. power is neither lost or found there either..

Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

We could be asking for a whole manner of troubles mate

I mean just take a look the one on the right looks posessed or something (she's yours). Mine just looks plain mean.. they look money hungry to me.. Can you imagine having to sweet talk these two lionesses at your local.. they look kind of powerful don't they.

ooh yes I love a challenge..
Are attractive women really "gold diggers"?

Could it just be that most blokes are scared of attractive women that they lose that edge of what makes a guy attractive? Confidence and strength of character are a big key to winning a womans heart IMVHO. So the only guys that can keep a good looking girl interested are the men with money, good job, settled and stable life, (generally speaking).

Sometimes its just a case of being in the right place at the right time.