Apple iPad2 or Samsung Galaxy Tablet?


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I bought the Samsung Galaxy today, I'm still trying to figure it out; but now I'm thinking I might want to switch it for the iPad 2. I don't know which I should have, I kind of want to know what the Galaxy has that the ipad doesn't and vice versa, and which would be the overall best pick. If anyone can help me, i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank You!
Neither, I really dont see the point in buy Tablets
To me the iPad is a big iPod touch and Galaxy Tab is a big Galaxy S so I would go with getting a Galaxy S or iPod Touch.
depends how long is the battery life,how well does it work,can you commuinicate on it, how much does it cost,how fun the apps are,and which ids capable of doing more,my opinion is the ipad 2 if you got the money to spend