Anyone up for Mornington Crescent ??

Young Chadderz, one can not simple make up destinations.

All played so far are real, valid and underground. More than this can not be told but with research you can determine their validity.

For shame, for shame.
If I google it it only comes up with one destination, which is my post. Is that not a destination? Regardless, I lose beep points for this devious error, and move back to Southwark.
Fantastical rump and Stag? Chadders you magnificent blighter, a perfect rumplestiltskin! I haven't seen one of those in years! I'm not even sure you knew you were doing it!

Well that skittles my trump, knocks me right back to wimbledon, but I'll play a hand of womble to pass the third bridge.
The Wombles Sir, well trousered.

I'll use the Madame Cholete French Embassy pass, which is a hop, skip and jump over to Knightsbridge.
Well played.

I'll have to go with Prithvian Shah counter for our Nepalese friends and boundle straight on to Regents Park.

Mount your Sherpas and carry on. Oxygen equipment is not optional.
Oh drat a Sherpa raid while I'm in Goodge st? I'll need to twoddle a twerp for my Oxygen and hedge my bets at westminster.
Good solid play Oddsbods, and Chadderz is turning out to be quite the player!


Hang on, I'm right that hats are still jovial, yes? Pipes in the ascendent?

Baker Street it is then!

I captured the Clangers!
No easy task indeed!

I commissioned the airship of a one Captain Ramyan. A funny hat-wearing fellow, originating from East India apparently, who was once business partners of a "Captain Nemo", but decided to take to the sky and seek newer pastures.
He makes his fortunes in less than legitimate enterprises and said that my proposition required great coin, which I provided and which he gladly accepted.

Was a short while before we were upon our lunar neighbour.
The task was easy. We smoked out their holes and captured the a whole tribe of the little buggers.
These Clangers aren't really a clever lot when it comes to war, not love.
The reptilian companions of the Clangers were also captured, however the crew was intent on devouring the scaly creatures in some sort of male enhancement ritual.
I saved only one poor monster from a tasty yet oddly stimulating soup.

Upon my return I was sought out by young man by the name of William, an owner of a large confectionary factory.
William sought a new labour force that was easy to coofftopicnd and broken of all spirit.
His old labour force were too old to breed and were less optimally suited to the conditions of their work environment due to their ginger-faced complexion.
Since the Africas and most other terrestrial nations have been plundered, William too searched the sky for an answer to his problem.
I was very much willing to assist him for the coin he offered however it seems that the Clangers are deathly adverse to the cacao based treats his factory produces.

Never before have I heard a whizz-bang-poof-dang-schlick-clock-whoof like that of a Clanger touching chocolate.
Like a balloon lost of air, the Clanger lay deflated, looking like a sorry glob of jam.
However all was not lost.
It seems the flattened mess of a Clanger had appeal to the eye of young William and he procured the two finest slices of thick malt loaf toast, and on to them spread the remains of the foreign creature.
It had a delightfully sweet custard flavour with the texture of a fine marmalade, very different from the pork flavour Britons would assume of the Clanger anatomy.
Seeing venture in the Clanger tribe, and with hunger in his eyes, young William bought the lot and freed me from the pink.

I am now a considerable amount wealthier and have returned to Edgeware Road but I fear that that our dear friend Constable Hannibal will be paying me a visit quite soon as I have recently learned that Clangers are a protected species under Royal Order of the Queen and Crown.

*Thinking of making this little story into a larger steam-punk themed story or graphic novel, just including everything British in a wacky imperialist, steam punk universe full of fictional famous characters*
Zaad, you have brought the attention of Scotland Yard and in particular Inspector Hannibal to our proceedings. While our little outing is not illegal per se, the deflation and consumption of illegal aliens is frowned upon under the Queen's law. To prevent undue investigation and to placate said inspector you are hereby ordered to place your self at Piccadilly Circus, cover your unclothed body in a spicy mustard - curry mixture and sing all of the songs of the Pirates of Penzance.

Until this move is complete you will be shunned by current active players and your tube pass confiscated by Her Majesties' Board of Complicated Games involving the London Underground. The BoCGLU.

It is a said day when BoCGLU must be involved. Sigh.

I myself, after stopping to wash the taste of these vile proceedings out of my mouth with a cool drink, shall shuntle forth to Richmond.
BoCGLU? Again, oh dear.

Well if Inspector Hannibal is in play then I'm going to relocate to Blackfriars before Kuma of dock green begins his rounds. Blag the widget for me would you m1k3jobs?
Oyez, Oyez!

Let it be know that the widget has been rightly and properly Blagged!

All those wearing hats please remove them and locate to Green Line.

I'm off to Notting Hill Gate.
With Mike in Notting Hill Gate? You're not really paying attention are you Johnno?

As it's now the 26th of April, Upstarts Rules apply for the afternoon and I'll strut to Aldgate East.

Je galavante à la Porte de La Chapelle avec Quick entreprise.

Ainsi, s'en tenir que jusqu'à votre Nelson!

**(English version) "I shall galavante to Porte De La Chapelle with quick endeavour.

So stick that up your Nelson!" (Google translate is terrible)**
For shame.

The 1st move after Upstarts rules being declared can never be Mornington Crescent.

Dear, Dear. This has certainly flumoxed the situation hasn't it.

I am afraid that you will have to be banished to Heathrow Terminal 5, forced to by tickets to a small African country and then exchange them for a different date which must be a Friday in May.

I find taking such draconian measures distasteful but you leave me no choice.

I am off to Old Street in search of a pub.

This game is getting very sloppy. Please limit your moves to valid destinations. We are playing Upstarts rules until the hour of antique tabards!

Please don't force me to get BoCGLU involved again.

I have never seen such snithering and snarking before.

Now Tally Ho.