Anyone know this book? Teen Sci-Fi: Boy travels to planet of telepaths?


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Hi. This was a book I read around 1999. I thought it might be from the Point SF series, but I've looked through most of them and none seem to match. But the book did have a similar feel to the Point SF books.

The first protagonist is a boy in his late teens, who is on a voyage to a planet in another star system. I remember that the crew took it in turns to be cryogenically frozen, because the journey would take so long.

The other protagonist is a teenage girl on the planet that the Earthlings are heading to. She lived with her younger brother and her mother (can't remember if her dad was around) and the people on this planet could communicate telepathically. Also, they had an orangey-hued skin and, I think, blue hair. I think also that the girl had an inkling that trouble would be coming, but her family didn't believe her.

I think when the boy arrived he and the girl became friends and worked together to stop the conflict between the two civilisations.

I've been trying for so long to find this book, but I haven't a single lead so far. Anyone know of it?