Anyone know of any good Hiking/Camping trails in Florida?


New member
Aug 29, 2008
I'm looking for something rather remote (not a major tourist trap) anywhere in FL except for the panhandle that requires a multi-day hike. I really looking for something that is well away from civilization and requires camping overnight but not necessarily at an established campground. I don't really want a Man vs. Wild experience, just something that gets me away from society for a few days. Any suggestions?
You want to go hiking in Florida? I would suggest the middle of the Everglades but thats kind of wet. I just can't get into flat land hiking - i'm in southern Mississippi and the few trails we have are just that. very FLAT and no interesting terrain like you would find in the mountains, where you're either going up or down. Its akin to being a pedestrian on an interstate I suppose :) I think there are a few around Kissimmee, but to be honest I can't exactly remember. Nobody has answered yet so I figured I'd help ya out even if its not much!