anyone know any good jokes?

*Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?

She didn't want to wake up the sleeping pills.

*In the morning, a blonde enters a restaurant with a carton of orange juice. She puts the orange juice on the table and stares at it.

The store is about to close down and the blonde is still staring at the orange juice. A waiter comes and asks the blonde, "Excuse me, we are about to close for the evening, I'm afraid your going to have to leave."

"No" They blonde replies.

"Why not?" questions the waiter.

"The carton says "concentrate".
A man was telling jokes to a live audience. With his puppet, about blondes.
He was about to tell another blonde joke when a blonde stood up.
And protested "This isn't very funny what your saying you know you can hurt peoples feelings, we are really as smart as you!"
And then the comedian looked up and said "oh im sorry it's just ..." He was about to keep apologizing when the lady looked up.
"No man stay out of this I was talking to the little guy on your lap!" (aka the puppet. LOL)