Anyone know any good bread recipes without wheat?


May 19, 2008
I just got through cancer therapy and started seeing this nature path specialist. My cancer is not cured yet but she said that if I stop eating sugar, wheat and gluten that should somehow help cure me. I have not been able to find any store bought breads that meet these rules. So I have to make some kind of home made bread ( because i have been craving it lately.) I was wondering if anyone knows any good recipes that don't have sugar, wheat or gluten.
I appreciate that your nature path specialist is trying to help, but truly? Please investigate more thoroughly what she's told you before trying it? Even the best intentioned doctors can completely screw us over if they don't know as much as they think they do. And cancer is just not something to let them mess up on.

I followed doctors' order for many years before figuring out my own issues. But I've got permanent injury due to following others' ideas without checking it out myself first, both from regular MD's and the alternative medical doctors.

However, re: your question...
The best best for you would be to google flat bread recipes. These are typically pretty good because they are not substitutions that don't taste as good but rather traditional breads that have NEVER had gluten or sugar, so they tend to be nicer.

Socca, for example, is a traditional french bread made with chickpea flour and no sweetener. There is an Indian and an Italian chickpea based flat bread, too, although I can't recall the names.

Corn tortillas are another example - buy corn masa, add a little water and salt, and that's it. They are much thicker and nicer than store bought ones and taste awesome. I tend to use these instead of lasagna noodles to make a mexican style lasagna.

Injera is a teff based Ethiopian bread - it's really interesting, but takes a bit of work. You have to ferment the batter, and it ends up as this soft, flexible pancake that tastes a bit like sourdough. Good with savory foods, which you wrap it around and eat. You have to find 'traditional' recipes for this, though, because modern ones have started adding wheat.

Finding leavened breads will be a problem because gluten is what typically keeps it shape when leavened, and sugar is what helps the yeast grow, so as you can imagine, not too much great bread without both of these.

Wishing you the best of luck in your recovery.