Anyone Have A Tattoo????

lol. Thanks...:rolleyes:

I was just giving the kid some advice. Blow me.

Oh yeah, to the OP, there is also this foam stuff called H2Ocean or something like that you can get at tattoo shops. That stuff works pretty good too.
lol just warm water and soap, theres probably a "build up" of ink because your friend that tattooed you obviously isn't pro so your tattoo is probably going to come out shitty looking, i have a small "prison" style tattoo such as yourself, thank god its in spot no one can see unless i show them but you'll be aight keep it uncoverd, not like its ever going to come off now.....
yo dilan, you're pat is gonna start "peeling soon". it's gonna look like spider webs are covering the ink of your tattoo.. that's normal. however, if you have "scabs" (as in dry blood) instead of "peeling" that means your tattoo artists did a crappy job. there is nothing you can do about this except to get it redone or "covered up" in the future. just take care of it.. apply ointment daily until it seems well enough to chill on its own.

oh, and never ever scratch or pick at your tattoo.. it'll itch like crazy, but sack up and don't scratch. scratching/picking will disfigure the tattoo. let thee peelings or scabs fall off by themselves. (they will stick to your clothes too, but make sure that it is always covered with ointment!)
and by ointment he meens NON scented lotion, no vasoline or any of that shit it'll draw out the color of your tattoo
get some of this: VITAMIN A&D OINTMENT

^^^^ thats not recommended I've only been told non scented lotion i was advised to stay away from a&d
well, it's funny how it's not recommended.. cause this is the actual liquid they apply onto you while you're getting the tattoo.

i've heard of some places praising a&d and also heard of some places rejecting it. I am a part of the praising group. all my tatts look perfect because of it.
yeah they put it on when your getting it but my cousin whos a tattoo artist told me not to put it on after
well reading the posts of all you uninformed retards is kinda pissing me off

i am the co-owner of a tattoo studio and have over 30 tattoos now, and ive been body piercing for nearly 7 years now

first things first, never ever ever use seran wrap...ever
no plastic wraps or anything, they suffocate the tattoo and can actually cause problems

after the tattoo is finished first things first there should have been a very thin layer of a&d on it, covered by a paper towel or a light bandage that allows the tattoo to breath(get air...)
take the bandage off between a half hour to an hour afterwards
wash your hands with soap and water and then apply some very very mild soap to the area and wash all the ointment off and whatnot with warm soapy water...pat the area dry and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes..for the first 12-15 hours make sure there is an extremely extremely thin layer of a&d over the tattoo...remain uncovered....
after that use non scented lotions or you can use the h2ocean foam or h2ocean lotion
i prefer to use st. ives collagen elastin lotion
make sure you keep it moist at all times washing it 2-3 times per day and always make sure its clean.
after 2-3 days of correct aftercare your tattoo should begin peeling sorta like a sunburn, and on day 4 or 5 your tattoo should be fully peeled...keep lotion on it for the next couple weeks as you have been....the reason for that is because your tattoo heals from the outside need to keep the entire area moist for a few weeks to ensure it heals go into extreme detail and provide a copy of our aftercare but that takes a some boring time...

i think our shops work speaks for itself