anyone else think 9-11 was a conspiracy?


Active member
May 12, 2008
for those who dont know, steel melts at 2500 deg F , the fire was estimated to be around 1100 deg F, they say the steel melted which cause the frame of the building to collapse......however to this day no steel building has ever collapsed due to fire.....i am an architect major, and my professor believs there is no way those building would have collapsed due to a single plane crash, he said they were built to sustain multiple crashes without fear of collapse......and every building collapse took over 3 hours, the towers fell in 10 seconds... around the same time as a demolition would take........not to mention the owner of the building took out a 9billion dollar insurance policy against a terrorist attack only 2 months before september 11th.......all the evidence points in the direction that the towers were known about in advance and nothing was done to prevent it, and to those who think the government wouldnt let that happen.....pearl harbor was known about in advance and nothing was done about it, does anyone else think that we let this happen for some reason or another?