Anyone else notice that all these global warming predictions have the word "may" in


Feb 23, 2008
Anyone else notice that all these global warming predictions have the word "may" in

them? I might as well try a prediction of my own.

Due to Obama's foreign policy, the fallout may be down to low enough levels to allow people to leave the shelters in 100 years.

I wonder which one is harder on the environment?
Just like the Republican claim that children of gay people "may" be subject to gender dysphoria...

Republicans generally just boldly complain that things WILL DEFINITELY happen... and then when they're wrong, or there is more evidence to the contrary, they simply ignore it...
the only thing causing global warming is
the democrats always blowing their hot air!

and al gore is the biggest hypocrite to walk the planet.

he didn't invent the internet, but he did invent global warming.
The difference between your prediction and a scientific one, is that their's is based on physical observations and knowledge that we have of the physical world and how climate change is affected.

Unlike your argument, they actually give EVIDENCE. There's no way a human being can be 100% sure about ANYTHING in the future. But, one can conclude what is likely to happen.

For instance, if someone threatened to fire a gun at you - based on what you know about guns and the effect that bullets shot from them have on people, you might conclude that the bullet shot from that gun will likely kill you. However, you don't know if you're superman and are invincible to bullets, but you probably won't take that chance and try to find a way to avoid getting shot.

The same works with global warming and science in general.
Yeah, did you see this story on the front of Yahoo's home page right now ? Their trying to get people all in the " Day After Tomorrow " movie mindset <rolls eyes> Are these liberals for real or what ? God bless.
It's a prediction. All predictions have uncertainty. So do most assertions. Like:

You "may" be talking out of your ***.
Yes. That's because therer is a significant level of uncertainty in specific predictions at this point. Scientists therefore (as a gernal rule) make predictions only about the minimum they expect--and are honest enough to state that they are not certain.

Sine cons don't study science--they seem quite proud of their ignorance, they of course would not know this. And as for honesty--they have none, so they wouldn't understand people who do.
Global warming is a myth and they have no proof that it's real. In fact, numbers indicate that temps have DECREASED! The only thing that the "cap & trade" tax will do is hurt taxpayers!
Because the planet is a dynamic entity and there are too many changing variables to say anything with 100% certainty. You're analogy is false and like comparing apples to oranges.