Anyone else hate their First Name?

I'm just boring Hannah Kate. My mother thought she was being original. FAIL! She should have gone with Saskia which was her other choice but I don't think it would suit me that much. If i was a boy it would have been Jasper which is at least interesting.
I'm Rachel... it's ok, I don't mind it :) However, at the Christian Union at Leicester Uni where I am hopefully going, there is already someone with my full name, exactly the same! It's so weird :S Rachel Nash.. don't think there'd be that many of us!
I don't like mine, it's too old fashioned - Elizabeth. Everyone has taken to calling me Bethany though in school. No idea why. I've always been Beth at home, or Bee with some friends. People always get confused in school when it's around exam time or the start of the year and everything is always "Elizabeth" on the registers or work. They are all like "We have an Elizabeth!?" xD But yeah, I hate my name xD
Haha there's a girl two years below me at school with the exact same name as me as well. She's my friend's little sister and her full name is the same as mine including the middle name. Very odd in Year 9 when she would be in the same assembly as us. Always dreaded one of our names being called for any reason xD
It must be weird! There was a girl in the year above with the same name as my best friend, and there's a girl in my choir a couple of years below me with the same name as my other friend, so both my friends have name twins!
I'm not a huge fan of my name, it's almost *too* unique. It's rarely pronounced right first time. I google my first name and the only people that share it are old russian men!
My parents are evil with name picking... I should be happy, I got off lightly with my (ugly) middle names, my sister's middle name is Brendolin... *cringes*
If i was a girl i was going to be called Britany.

hate that name

so glad im a kind...kinda, my name is still ******* ****.
Sigh-ney? See-nee ? Seen?? :S Sign? Haha! Shine?
This is harder than it looks...
Plus I suck at phonetic writing!
Bingo! :yep:

Although technically it should be Shee-nih, but I always refer to myself as Sheena :p

Well done :)