Any other Hairspray fans opposed to the idea of a movie sequel?


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Rumours have been speculated for a while of a Hairspray 2 coming out in a couple of years and now more and more sites are talking about John Waters (the director and writer of the original 1988 version) working on a sequel movie to the recent 2007 adaption.
Personally I love Hairspray as a musical and it's messages and how it wasn't afraid to be daring or "out there". However I know a lot of people were disappointed with cuts and changes in the recent Hollywood movie version such as the idea of Edna being played by John Travolta, rather than a large comedian type like the role is traditionally played or the fact that Tracy didn't go to jail. But I still enjoyed the film as it still captured the essence of what I think Hairspray is about with the outsiders fighting segregation and the character of Tracy celebrating who she is.
I feel that the story of Hairspray has been a progress worked up over many years and just had the perfect story and ending for me. To me it's one of those stories that doesn't need a sequel and is fine as it is. I just feel a sequel would completely ruin everything Hairspray is about. I don't know more they could do with it as Tracy accomplished what she wanted to do and I don't think they would be able to write new songs in just two years that could come close to being as memorable as the songs we love now.
Sorry to sound cynical but I just really love the story of Hairspray and what it means and it saddens me to think a sequel could come along that could totally change it's dynamic. I mean, how many decent musical sequels are there out there? I think it should be left alone as we were left with the perfect ending, I felt.
Hopefully these are just rumours about a sequel or John Waters will see sense and realise this could be a complete sell-out that would destroy his creation. I honestly think if people were boycotting the 2007 Hairspray movie before because people didn't like the changes and Travolta playing the late Divine's role, then they sure as Hell won't be pleased with a sequel.
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