Any anime recommendations?


Apr 15, 2008
I have just finished watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and I ABSOLUTELY love the series! However, I am not into any mainstream shounen animes such as Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, as I find them rather boring. I appreciate philosophical animes like Ghost in the Shell, and Eden of the East (the series has very interesting themes about idealism and justice, and it even doubles as a Biblical allusion to the 12 apostles). I generally gravitate towards niche animes, although I found Last Exile incredibly tedious.

For some reason though, I watched Panty and Stocking, and it was absolutely hilarious despite the fact that it is like an R-rated version of Powerpuff Girls.

What animes would be recommended for someone such as myself who has a plethora of tastes, some of which are seemingly contradictory?

(As an aside, I have also watched the entire "Avatar: The Last Airbender" series, and its sequel. I know this doesn't count as anime, but I just wanted to make sure I don't get any recommendations for shows I have already watched)

I don't mind taking manga or comic series suggestions as well. I have finished reading the latest issue of Deadman's Wonderland, and I also like it very much.