Any advice for a girl with a future career in fashion?


New member
Feb 13, 2009
I am going to be a junior, and I would love to go into styling. I'm more of the behind the scenes girl in fashion, I do not want to be a designer because I stink at drawing, and I don't really like to sew. I really have a good eye for putting outfits together though. I hope to go to FIT or Parsons. My grades are very good, mainly A's and B+'s, sometimes a B. I am not in any honor, or AP classes though. A couple of people I know are going to summer classes at fashion schools, but I just can't afford that, so i'm afraid they will get into college, and I won't. In the spring, I am putting together a fashion show with my Girl Scout Troop (my mom makes me do it because it looks great for colleges) for charity, and I am going to be casting models, doing the lighting, picking out music, making flyers and programs and putting together the looks.

Anybody have an idea on what to do that might stick out when I start applying for colleges? I have a job already, but I want a job at a clothing store, but they don't hire until 18, and most of them require you to wear there clothes to work, and I need my paychecks to go into the bank for my car insurance, and school.

Also, do you think it might be a good idea if I contact the colleges I want to go to, telling them when the fashion show is to see what I did, even though I didn't make the clothes? I'm going to be a junior next year.