Antagonist quiz!!! Take it?


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Sorry to copy, Tee Hee. :(

1. A little 3 year old girl is running around with a bag of skittles. You're starving and haven't ate since yesterday's lunch. What do you do?
2. A guy accidentally knocks into you and spills his red fruit punch all over you. He apologizes several times and seems to be the nerd/clutz type. What do you do?
3. If you and your enemy the MC were the only people in the world what would you do?*
4. Are you in love? Come in now, even villains can find 'the one'. Please do tell? :)
5. If your enemy (the MC) captured you... What do you think he or she would do?
6. What is you biggest dream? What is your top goal?

BQ1: did you like quiz?
BQ2: Tee Hee's was so good that I had to make one... Am I a copycat?
BQ3: sorry... Can I get carried away sometimes? :D
1. Nothing. Food is at home anyway.
2. There will be a moment where I'll just be slightly irritated, but then I'd be able to calm down because of how nerdy and klutzy the kid seems to be.
3. I'd eventually probably kill them.
4. Not in love right now. Love has been felt by me before, but that person didn't feel the same.
5. They'd try to change me like they always try to do.
6. To succeed

BQ1: It was interesting.
BQ2: It's fine.
BQ3: A little.
1. A little 3 year old girl is running around with a bag of skittles. You're starving and haven't ate since yesterday's lunch. What do you do?
Talk to her, persuade her to come with me. The skittles are nothing, my hunger is nothing.

2. A guy accidentally knocks into you and spills his red fruit punch all over you. He apologizes several times and seems to be the nerd/clutz type. What do you do?
Tell him its quite alright and curtly disengage myself as quickly as possible. And then shower as soon as possible.

3. If you and your enemy the MC were the only people in the world what would you do?
We would have so much fun... she'd be mine, alll mine.

4. Are you in love? Come in now, even villains can find 'the one'. Please do tell? :)
That's a very good question.

5. If your enemy (the MC) captured you... What do you think he or she would do?
Release me where she thinks I could never find my way back, the fool.

6. What is you biggest dream? What is your top goal?
To secure Faldor's complete safety. Nothing more. I am not cruel, I am not ruthless, I am *not* evil. I want only safety and happiness for all of my people.

BQ1: did you like quiz?
Did you like my answers?

BQ2: Tee Hee's was so good that I had to make one... Am I a copycat?
I enjoyed yours just as much. Yes, you are.

BQ3: sorry... Can I get carried away sometimes? :D
Go right ahead.

EDIT: Ari, sorry! I couldn't resist! It was my antagonist who did it, honest.
1. A little 3 year old girl is running around with a bag of skittles. You're starving and haven't ate since yesterday's lunch. What do you do?
2. A guy accidentally knocks into you and spills his red fruit punch all over you. He apologizes several times and seems to be the nerd/clutz type. What do you do?
3. If you and your enemy the MC were the only people in the world what would you do?
4. Are you in love? Come in now, even villains can find 'the one'. Please do tell? :)
5. If your enemy (the MC) captured you... What do you think he or she would do?
6. What is you biggest dream? What is your top goal?

BQ1: did you like quiz?

1. I would go to a gas station and grab some of my own skittles and eat them with the little girl:)
2. say its okay and go home shower and change clothes
3. try to make friends with them and im pretty sure i would cause we both would be pretty lonely:)
4. No, i currently am too young considering i am under 16 years old according to my own values
5. they would tell me what they think off me and scare the pee outta me then let me go. haha
6. my biggest dream is to go to heaven someday... and to write a book. :)
BQ1: yes.
EDIT: Super! You cheater and I was going to be first answerer too! Way to be.
Just kidding- and I'm not the one who thumbed you down by the way. :p I even thumbed you up. [=


1. A little 3 year old girl is running around with a bag of skittles. You're starving and haven't ate since yesterday's lunch. What do you do?
- Take her Skittles, of course. The girl doesn't need them, but I do. I don't have the resources to turn down a meal- no matter what it is or who's it is.

2. A guy accidentally knocks into you and spills his red fruit punch all over you. He apologizes several times and seems to be the nerd/klutz type. What do you do?
- I'd take advantage of him, obviously. I'd demand he give me money for a new outfit, even though I could care less about my clothes at the moment.

3. If you and your enemy the MC were the only people in the world what would you do?
- I wouldn't hate her anymore. We're not fighting for power anymore. There's no one else to have power over and power is all I want.

4. Are you in love? Come in now, even villains can find 'the one'. Please do tell? :)
- Yes, but he's in love with *her*. Or, at least he thinks he is.

5. If your enemy (the MC) captured you... What do you think he or she would do?
- She'd probably just tie me up and leave me there in the middle of the woods, where we are at the moment. She doesn't have the guts to do anything else- she's only fifteen.

6. What is you biggest dream? What is your top goal?
- To be the leader of our group. Tess'll get us killed if I don't. And I want Trevor to love me back.

BQ1: did you like quiz?
- Yes. [=

BQ2: Tee Hee's was so good that I had to make one... Am I a copycat?
- Not really. At least you thought of your own questions and there've been tons of them before.

BQ3: sorry... Can I get carried away sometimes? :D
- ... I don't think you're getting carried away... you should see my questions. 0.o