Anorexic? If i start eating healthy again...?


May 16, 2008
Okay, so I lost a lot of weight in the past few months,
i was at 5 4' weighed 125 now, im 5 '4 weighing in at about 98...I would eat everyday but i was counting calories like no other, i would always try get in 1200 at least and everything.. sometimes i didn' the beginning i was working out everynight, then when i got skinnier and skinnier i stopped...and i know i need to gain some weight, and I WANT periods stopped, i haven't had one in like 6 months, and im always freeeeeezing to death in school, and i hate it.
my best friend stays thin and perfect and healthy by just stopping when she is full from eating, she doesn't watch what she eats, she always just stops when she is full and i never used to do that, i would always over my parents and my whole family are "concerned" about me and my weight and they're taking me to the doctor on thursday and im scared because i don't want to step on the scale and be underweight and take a lot of crap. ugh. i also am getting a physical for a sport that day, and i just want to know...if i start eating healthily and normal again and stopping when im full, will i get to a managable weight?
where, im considered skinny but not bony, just like fine and normal?
I know this is a lot, but im scared about going to the doctor, i really wish i could just have like a week to eat normally and see if i gain more weight so i can eat good again and not look unhealthy.
so if eat normally and not over do it, will i get that pretty healthy weight?
and im going to stop butchering myself on calories, like today, i was like this is the end, this has to i had sweet toast i sprinkled splenda over it with butter and 4 peices of turkey, then for lunch i had a fruit cup and orea snack bag thing, i was gonna get yogurt parfaits because i was like i dont care what im eating anymore, i just need to get healthy again but they had nasty ones so i was left with that haha, but then i had a fruit by the foot for a snack in 6th period which i never would have used to have done, then when i got home i had a 230 calorie lean cuisine pasta thing, and for dinner we went out to a mexi restaurant which i treated myself too, pigged out...starting eating chips and salsa again and ate 4 chicken fajitas in the littler tortillas ahah, plus i ate all my beans and some rice and i felt so much better after it and i got really full, then i just had popsicle and im not even stressed about it, im happy.
so thats it, any help on anything?
i know that was really long, but oh well. haha
Don't splurge and don't starve yourself. Eat until you feel full and then stop. Do the 3 meals a day and control yourself. By that I don't mean count calories. Eat what you enjoy, but eat healthy (not too much crap food). Get some protein in your body, veggies, fruit, all that good stuff. If you're afraid of getting fat, dont be. Direct that into something positive like go work out in the gym or cardio or sports.

I wish you the best of luck - dont fear the doc, if anything ask him/her what's healthy to eat to gain weight the healthy way.