Animes you'd recommend?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
I like Anime, but I'm out of stuff to watch for the time being. I'm caught up in One Piece (LOVE it), finished Death Note (LOVE it), I was caught up in Bleach at one point(I liked it for about 150 episodes I think but after that). I liked Sword Art Online a lot, too.
Hmmm, haven't watched any for awhile, but these are some of my favorites:
Samurai Champloo, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, Code Geass, Macross Plus

I've also watched a bit of Afro Samurai, Hellsing, High School of the Dead, and Inuyasha which were OK too.
Most of these are fairly violent/gory, but I'm guessing you're used to that.

I hope you haven't already watched everything I mentioned, hope you find something new you enjoy! ;D
just wrote a really long anime answer so ill only say 1 anime

D.Gray Man (my favoriteeeee)