An update on the peanut product recalls


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Jun 18, 2007
An update on the peanut product recalls
[SIZE=-1]All the products ever shipped from a Texas plant owned by the Peanut Corporation of American have been recalled after the state health department there found dead rodents, rodent excrement and bird feathers in a crawl space above a production area. The plant in Plainview operated without a license for four years and had not been inspected until after the recent salmonella outbreak was traced to PCA's plant in Blakely, Georgia.
Tests have shown that the Texas plant likely has salmonella and all production has been shut down, the Associated Press reports. The recall is in addition to the almost 2,000 products already taken off the market because they include PCA-produced peanut products as an ingredient.
Read this full post, find out more about the salmonella outbreak and recalls on our Safety blog, and see the FDA's Web site for an up-to-date list of recalled peanut products.
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