Amateur Photography

A few of my fav's from the last few years, more can be found at
OK,OK nice pics and all but was anyone else dissapointed on seeing the title "amateur photography" and seeing pictures of nature, and not au natural???????
A man after my own heart! The ice route looks nice and tasty... I can see it now... hang on bro... I will set down the belay just so I can snap this picture while you work the crux!

And the crack route looks like good fun as well... Christ I may have to start a climbing/moutaineering thread here at MAP!

The fourth one down would benefit from some judicious cropping though. But man as it's 31 degree's celsius @ 95% humidity right now here in Hong Kong... I can live with the shot!!

What are you shooting with?

diggin' your shots... can't quite place some of them though... I am thinkin' you work as part of a UN peacekeeping force?

Yeah the PJ stuff is amazing... and there are so many great PJ's out there that never ever get seen in the vast majority of media... it's damn sad... thanks to new corps refining and homogenizing the majority of what the general populace of most western countries see.

I will dig up some more PJ work and post.
Cheers for posting.
Kwaj, that'd be great... eagerly awaiting!

my arm always suffered a sudden paralysis when it came to reaching for my wallet to buy an underwater housing for my 35mm bodies... my whole system almost shut down at the thought of buying a housing to fit my MF bodies.
I got some pretty good shots with the disposable underwater camaras. Of course, I got some incredably cruddy shots, too. Some of the cruddy shots though have a nice smokey quality to them that I kind of like. I was thinking about trying to find a Holgar, I like some of the weird qualities that they have.
The one of the boat that I posted before was with the wnderwater disposable. I was just coming up from snorkling and managed to catch the a shot of the sailboat we were on.

Thanks dude. The ice climbing photo was taken just before he sent two plates of ice whistleing for my head so I can be forgiven for my lapse in attention (hearing someone yell 'rock' is bad enough, hearing someone yell 'oh crap... rock' is worse).

And I know now not to tell him about the photo before I take it, I miss too many good shots that way.

I use my climbing partners little point and shoot digi camera. I don't know what it is but it does a good job and came with a waterproof hard case.

If you want to show me how you think that 4th shot (Blue Lake Cliffs) should be cropped feel free.

All of the photo's here look great. I really like the micro shots.
slipthejab - not peacekeeping... I was backpacking around Europe a year after the Kosovo war and I hooked up with a charity there for about ten weeks.

The police shots are from the G8 summit in Geneva, 2003. I was in Europe for my brother's wedding and when I found out there was going to be a major protest in Geneva I went down there to check out the action! Pretty funny though, I spent a couple of days on the front line with the teargas, and looking at the hippie tent city for the protestors, then the next few days in a suit and tie at UN meetings and functions because I'd managed to arrange a letter of introduction before I went on holiday.
Here's a sample of images I liked that I took. Mostly from my yard / neighborhood. Used a canon A100 for the kite pic, and an A75 for the rest.

A75 basic macro mode.

More Basic Macro

With Opteka (mediocre) macro lens.
Here's a few more.
Photostitched panorama, no tripod, you can see the defects easily, but you can also like to see why I like to walk there.

A dwarf Strawberry growing at the edge of my driveway:

More my driveway:

My back yard (more wisteria, more opteka)

Almost, a dragonfly.

This was a great show:

A fishing weir down at the beach.
Nics pics Matthew Barnes. Particularly liking the macros ..... maybe cos I cant get mine to work out right!
Ok, I found the better photo of Blue Lake - one that doesn't need cropping, which I think I took said shot thinking that the view needed some foreground to give perspective.

Blue Lake:

Hi again guys

A lunchtime stroll today saw me tracking these buzzy beasts through the undergrowth!

Files are a bit big - 800px doesn't do these guys justice

All taken with Nikon D70 and Sigma 50mm EX DG Macro.

1. Common Darter

2. Southern Hawker
I try to take good pics but I dont understand the whole aperture and shutter speed stuff. And whats this macro stuff you speak of??
Aperture - the whole the picture is taken through

Shutter speed - the time the hole is open

The above two in combination control how much light is allowed through.

Macro - closeup photography.
Jeez, with all you guys posting good pics I'll be forced to dig in a post some more... but too much work at the moment.

Great stuff guys. AGrrhhh.... how come I never get to do any macro shots?!?!
Great stuff guys. Yoda, your pics remind me of my dad's ameteur photography. Those closeups of flowers especially. Nice stuff.

Slip, that drink add has more style than the smirnoff ones did originally. I really liked that one. I'm no big fan of fashion stuff, but I really dug the drink ad.
Got me a new lense for my camera today. Here's a pic of the moon I took with it earlier this evening...